Thursday, June 4, 2009

Two things

Two things

Two Names I go by:
1. Soukho
2. Marie

Two Things I am Wearing Right Now (other than clothes):
1. earrings
2. platform shoes

Two Things I Want Very Badly At The Moment:
1. a bigger bathroom
2. win the lottery

Two Things I Did Last Night:
1. watch nigerian movies
2. do my hair

Two Things I Ate Yesterday:
1. Couscous and shrimp
2. Sour cream and evaporated Milk

Two People I Last Talked To:
1. My favorite cousin in LA
2. the hubby

Two things I am doing Tomorrow:
1. sleep
2. organize my closet

Two Longest Car Rides within the US:
1. Cincinnati-New York(10 hours)
2. Cincinnati-Detroit(4 hours)

Two Favorite Holidays:
1. Mali & Senegal last year
2. Alberta, Canada

Two countries I want to visit:
1. Australia
2. Tahiti

Two Favorite Beverage:
1. Water
2. Coke zero

Two bad habits I have:
1. I bite my nails
2. I walk barefoot around the house

Two qualities I have:
1. Open minded
2. very respectful towards people specially older folks

Two things I would like to change on my body:
1. not have any more weight issues
2. have a clear face (no more adult acne)

Two things I would like to be able to do:
1. be a better swimmer
2. travel around the world for a year

Two things from the past I regret the most:
1. to have lost loved ones very early in life
2. not having the chance to tell them how much I loved them

Two things I hate the most:
1. a liar
2. a vain person

Two things I wish for:
1. to have twins in the future
2. have a better health (so that I don't have to take my daily medication anymore)

Two things I hope to accomplish in the future:
1. to be able to make everybody around me happy
2. have a challenging and well paid job

Two things I can't live without:
1. Music
2. TV

Two things I currently want to buy:
1. a fridge
2. a spa package

Two countries I lived in:
1. UK
2. France

Name your two things.

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