Friday, June 12, 2009

It's all about Happiness.

Happiness is something to appreciate, for it is a precious gift that needs your loving care.Happiness is like a butterfly, the more you chase it, the more it will elude you.

We All Want A Little Happiness
One of life’s most precious gifts is the gift of happiness. It cannot be bought or sold, nor can it be found or lost; it is something we must acquire, on our journey through life.
It is priceless as far as I am concerned, and more important than all the riches in the world. Precious from the day we are born, to our dying days, it's happiness we live for.
Giving happiness to those we love far and near and those in between, it's a fragile gift, that should be nurtured day by day. It should be given freely, but things given freely usually have no value, unless of course we care for it, making it such a priceless gift.

Being happy, is contagious, such is the case of a smile; so spread a little happiness and make the world go round.
When you stop and think about the happy things you enjoy, do you realize that other may join in. Whether it is listening to music that you enjoy, baking cookies, or just sitting on the beach... it is these things that bring us joy, and it's a nice thing to spread them around, giving happiness along the way.

Don't worry, be happy.

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