Friday, May 22, 2009

Mrs OBAMA Michelle

First Lady Michelle Obama is talking to TIME magazine about how good White House life is for her and her marriage and for her kids:

“It has been the greatest single benefit of this for us as a family. It means that we see each other every day. And that hasn’t happened for most of the kids’ lifetime.”It’s rare [for most families] to have dad at home for dinner, to see him in the mornings, to have him there when you go to bed at night, just to be able to have the casual conversations that happen about life at dinnertime,” says Mrs. Obama. ''That’s been terrific. It’s normal. It’s more normal than we’ve had for a very long time.''

“We stay 100 percent in their world all the time. And I don’t know if you understand that, but their lives are very disconnected from this [place]. You can do that with kids when they are young, because they just don’t care.”

What her Presidential husband has to say about it:
“Among the many wonderful things about being President, the best is that I get to live above the office and see Michelle and the kids every day. I see them in the morning. We have dinner every night. It is the thing that sustains me.”

President Obama also reportedly takes work breaks to play with First Dog Bo and spend some brief quality time with First Lady O. Loves it.


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